Discover The Simple 7-Step Checklist To Picking Winning Stocks Just Like Multi-Million Dollar Investment Companies

With The Stock Selection Checklist

Business Owners, if you’re not taking advantage of The Stock Selection Checklist, you’re missing out on 7 simple steps to amassing a fortune in picking stocks with a minimum potential win rate of over 96%.

By checking off these 7-simple steps, you are on a straightforward path to million-dollar investing.

Following this checklist is exactly how I built a multi-million dollar investment portfolio in just a few years.

And this is WITHOUT taking years learning how the market works, outsourcing your wealth to shady financial advisors, or taking the advice from Wall Street only to have them dump it on you (Pulling a legal heist for no one to see).

I wanted to make it as simple as possible for busy business owners (like you) to pick winning stocks so that you can amass a 7-figure portfolio without doing tons of research.

All you have to do is follow 7 simple steps on my Stock Selection Checklist.

Hit the button below while this blueprint is only available for a limited time.


Discover The Simple 7-Step Checklist To Picking Winning Stocks Just Like Multi-Million Dollar Investment Companies

With The Stock Selection Checklist

Business Owners, if you’re not taking advantage of The Stock Selection Checklist, you’re missing out on 7 simple steps to amassing a fortune in picking stocks with a minimum potential win rate of over 96%.

By checking off these 7-simple steps, you are on a straightforward path to million-dollar investing.

Following this checklist is exactly how I built a multi-million dollar investment portfolio in just a few years.

And this is WITHOUT taking years learning how the market works, outsourcing your wealth to shady financial advisors, or taking the advice from Wall Street only to have them dump it on you (Pulling a legal heist for no one to see).

I wanted to make it as simple as possible for busy business owners (like you) to pick winning stocks so that you can amass a 7-figure portfolio without doing tons of research.

All you have to do is follow 7 simple steps on my Stock Selection Checklist.

Hit the button below while this blueprint is only available for a limited time.


Easy Access To Winning Stocks

Follow my 7-step checklist that’s almost guaranteed to predict when a stock will go up.

Safe Investing

Can you check off ALL 7 steps? Good, then invest in a stock that could be safer than a 401k, real estate, or a government bond combined.

Invest Like A Pro

Cut years off from learning how to properly invest and get into a professional investing strategy right away. These are the same steps that helped me build a 7-figure portfolio.

Easy Access To Winning Stocks

Follow my 7-step checklist that’s almost guaranteed to predict when a stock will go up.

Safe Investing

Can you check off ALL 7 steps? Good, then invest in a stock that could be safer than a 401k, real estate, or a government bond combined.

Invest Like A Pro

Cut years off from learning how to properly invest and get into a professional investing strategy right away. These are the same steps that helped me build a 7-figure portfolio.

Andrew Woodward is a husband, father and passionate cyclist who didn’t want his children to grow up without the knowledge and power to create their financial freedom. He pursued his financial freedom and has successfully built a multi-million-dollar portfolio of assets.

He was concerned about how the financial planning and advisory market was working. It annoyed him that all the advisers were making money but not the clients. He was introduced to the book ‘Where are all the customer’s yachts?’ by a mentor, Chris Tate. It is a book about a young man who went to New York and noticed a large number of yachts in the harbor. He asked a friend who owned all the yachts and discovered that they were in fact owned by people in the financial advice market, but none by the clients.

After spending 25+ years studying and implementing the strategies of highly successful investors and teachers, he wants to pass his unique skillset down. His mission is to assist people in having the confidence and skills to attain financial freedom more efficiently and securely than they believe possible.

His business is called The Investor’s Way, as it is all about empowering you to be a confident, informed, and resourced investor to grow your wealth without having to hand control over to somebody else.


Andrew Woodward is a husband, father and passionate cyclist who didn’t want his children to grow up without the knowledge and power to create their financial freedom. He pursued his financial freedom and has successfully built a multi-million-dollar portfolio of assets.

He was concerned about how the financial planning and advisory market was working. It annoyed him that all the advisers were making money but not the clients. He was introduced to the book ‘Where are all the customer’s yachts?’ by a mentor, Chris Tate. It is a book about a young man who went to New York and noticed a large number of yachts in the harbor.

He asked a friend who owned all the yachts and discovered that they were in fact owned by people in the financial advice market, but none by the clients.

After spending 25+ years studying and implementing the strategies of highly successful investors and teachers, he wants to pass his unique skillset down. His mission is to assist people in having the confidence and skills to attain financial freedom more efficiently and securely than they believe possible.

His business is called The Investor’s Way, as it is all about empowering you to be a confident, informed, and resourced investor to grow your wealth without having to hand control over to somebody else.



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NSW, Australia, 2230


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